1068 results found

Celebrating an active life in older age in a way that is age positive and inclusive, dismantling systemic ageism, creating and embedding age-friendly language, structures, spaces, places and activities.

There are 766,865 over 55's in Greater Manchester and they are 1.6 times more likely to be inactive than a 16 – 34 year old. Meanwhile, over 75’s are 2.3 times more likely to be inactive.

Discover ways to get moving more in your local area

A key GM Moving priority is to lead, learn, work and move together to enable active lives for all, removing barriers and targeting resources, to support the least active residents to move more.

Creating a Greater Manchester that enables active lives for disabled people and people with long-term conditions

Movement, physical activity, and sport are vital to health, happiness, and connection for LGBTQ+ people across Greater Manchester.