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A key GM Moving ambition is to deliver communications that drive culture change, system change, and behaviour change, engaging and resonating with system-wide and community audiences through positive narrative, imagery, language and stories of change.

Series 4

Series 4 of The GM Moving Podcast looks at how the Right to the Streets movement has grown and developed and all that we have learned along the way.

Eve Holt and Vic Elizabeth Turnbull

Podcast host Eve Holt and executive producer from MIC Media Vic Elizabeth Turnbull reflect on two series of The GM Moving Podcast focusing on Right to the Streets.

Salford University

The first ever Strength-Training Awareness Day on Thursday 4 April aims to raise the profile of strength training with positive stories on social media using the hashtag #StrongEnough.

GM Moving

GM Moving, Macc, and 10GM will talk to partners about how our systems leadership approach can evolve over the next few months.