1073 results found

GM Ringway

GM Ringway, Greater Manchester’s walking trail, has launched a new website with the trail expected to be fully waymarked by the end of June.

Eve Holt, Strategic Director, GM Moving

‘The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago, the second best time is now’. Chinese proverb.

Live Well

Live Well’s mission is to ensure people and communities are at the heart of Greater Manchester's model for health and wellbeing.

GM Moving

Guide will help ensure older people’s voices and needs are considered in design process


Teachers can make a difference to pupils’ wellbeing by implementing fun physical activity across the school day


Made up of 14 routes which connects many of the beautiful green spaces, public parks and tree-lined streets around the city, it will be relaunched in “Love your Parks Week” 12- 20 July.