1089 results found

Active Lives

75.6% of adults in Salford are moving, at least 30 minutes a week, equivalent to 153,400 adults. This is a significant improvement since baseline (November 2015-16) of 6.7% and 17,900 adults.


A recent study from the University of Bristol has found that there is a dramatic drop in the physical activity levels of children by the time they reach the end of primary school.


In Bolton 54.1% of children and young people are not achieving an average of 60 active minutes per day, which means that just under half are doing enough activity to stay healthy.


45.2% of children and young people are now achieving an average of 60 minutes of physical activity a day. Whilst more than three in ten are failing to achieve 30 minutes of activity a day.


In Bury 61.4% of children and young people are not achieving an average of 60 active minutes per day, which means that less than 40% are doing enough activity to stay healthy.


In Rochdale 53.1% of children and young people are not achieving an average of 60 active minutes per day, which means that just under half are doing enough activity to stay healthy.