1075 results found

GM Ringway

£250,000 National Lottery grant gives 300 km trail the green light.

GM Walking

The partnership aims to reduce inactivity by promoting the health, wellbeing and environmental benefits of walking.

Transport for Greater Manchester

New policy document,‘Refreshing Greater Manchester’s Active Travel Mission,' sets out Dame Sarah Storey’s priorities for Active Travel in Greater Manchester.

Russ Boaler

The story of developing the ONE Stockport: Active Communities Strategy, and the change in governance structures for policy implementation, brings the latest Local Pilot learnings to life.

Stacy Partridge, Kim Liall and Hazel Musgrove

The story of investing time and building relationships with community researchers in Woodhouse Park brings the latest Local Pilot learnings to life here.

Mike Tuson

The story of enabling sustainable collaboration between Salford Community Leisure and the Youth Service in Salford brings the latest Local Pilot learnings to life.