Sport England have today released their Active Lives Children and Young People data.
Sport England's CYP Active Lives Survey provides the most comprehensive overview of the sport and physical activity habits of children, aged 5 - 16 in England.
Today’s announcement covers the academic year Sept 22 – July 23 and shows that 45.6% of children & young people are active for at least 60 minutes a day in Greater Manchester, which equates to 188,100.
This means that 224,600 children are not meeting the recommended guidelines of 60 minutes a day.
There has been a small decrease from 12 months ago in those that are active (-3.7%) but overall still shows recovery to pre-pandemic levels (academic year 2018-19).
Please click here for more interpretation of the GM data, we will provide more detail of the results at a Greater Manchester level in due course.
Sport England’s national report can be found on their website.
Join us at the GM Moving Conference 2025, for a day of learning, leading and moving with inspiring speakers, workshops & networking to enable active lives for all.
The upcoming Spending Review this June is an opportunity for government to realise the benefits of physical activity to economic growth, population health, and a prevention-first NHS.
Widening the School Games Offer through Opening School Facilities