45.6% of children and young people in Greater Manchester meet Chief Medical Officer guidelines and achieve an average of 60 minutes or more of physical activity a day. Whilst 32.2% are failing to achieve 30 minutes of physical activity a day.
The latest Active Lives Children and Young People (CYP) Survey data from Sport England for the academic year 2022-23 has been released and shows that the initial recovery from the impact Covid-19 had on the activity levels of children and young people has remained stable.
There has been a small decrease from 12 months ago in those that are active (-3.7%) but overall still shows recovery to pre-pandemic levels (academic year 2018-19). However, levels have now returned below national rates since the previous academic year (47.0% by -2.6%).
Activity rates vary considerably across Greater Manchester with there being a 15.3% gap between the borough with the highest levels of activity, Bolton (52.7%) and the borough with the lowest levels of activity, Salford (37.4%).
This gap between boroughs has increased since the last release when there was a 10.0% gap.
There will be an update of CYP demographic data in the New Year.
N.B. Some of the data has been suppressed because there is less than 150 responses in total or only 1-2 responding schools in the LA meaning the data is insufficiently reliable
Published December 2023