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The first ever #BeeWell Day is taking place today, with a series of creative, active and online events celebrating young people’s wellbeing.


A new campaign is launching across Greater Manchester to help people think differently about being active, and help to demonstrate the little ways that we can all find opportunities to build movement into our everyday routines.


In the academic year 2021-2022 the Greater Manchester School Games will work differently to how it has over the last 10 years.

Beth Mitchell and Eve Holt

Supporting people to participate in active travel is a key priority for Greater Manchester, essential to the physical and mental wellbeing of those living in Greater Manchester


Nearly 400 clubs were set up in Greater Manchester including Sport England awards winners St Gabriel's Streetshakers.


To help reduce the negative impact of Covid-19, and the widening of the inequalities on active lives, Sport England announced The Tackling Inequalities Fund in June 2020.