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Stacy Partridge, Kim Liall and Hazel Musgrove

The story of investing time and building relationships with community researchers in Woodhouse Park brings the latest Local Pilot learnings to life here.


Manchester has recovered to baseline levels for active (62.1%) but not recovered to pre-pandemic levels for both active and inactive (27.5%).


The latest Active Lives results published by Sport England show that 72.7% of adults in Manchester are active for at least 30 minutes a week, equating to 322,000 adults moving; an increase of 15,500 from the survey 12 months ago.

Imogen Halls, Project Lead - Health, GM Moving

GM Moving joined Urban Village Medical Practice in Ancoats for their monthly Walk Talk Walk session to understand the impact the walks have on staff and patients.

Transport for Greater Manchester

An active travel zone in south Manchester is enabling children and parents to safely walk and wheel to and from their primary school.