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Strategic leadership enabling collective leadership in action

By GM Moving | 05 May 2021

A real life example of how Greater Manchester's local pilot forums applied the GM Moving Local Pilot Enabler of Change 'strategic leadership enabling collective leadership' in their work

Involving local people and growing assets in action

By GM Moving | 28 April 2021

A real life example of how Bury Council have applied the GM Moving Local Pilot Enabler of Change 'involving local people and growing assets' in their work

Learning from latest Local Pilot process evaluation

By GreaterSport | 12 November 2020

What we are learning about the conditions needed to enable active lives through the local pilot

Local Pilot Process Evaluation Summary September 2020

By GreaterSport | 30 September 2020

This summary report relates to the process learnings gathered between April and September 2020. It set out to understand and explain the extent to which the conditions in the place enable active lives.

Local Pilot Process Evaluation Summary March 2020

By GreaterSport | 31 March 2020

In the evaluation report, completed by evaluators Substance and Sheffield Hallam University, there were five emerging theories that have been identified as priority areas to drive system change.

Mission is on to get Greater Manchester moving

By Greater Manchester Moving | 09 September 2019

A major campaign is launching in Greater Manchester to get people thinking differently about getting active, supporting people to move more in a way that suits them, giving a clear daily active movement target (30 minutes) to aim for