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Latest local pilot learning identifies strategies to help tackle inequalities

By GM Moving | 11 June 2021

The latest evaluation report further expands on the five enablers of change previously identified and identifies two complementary and interlinking strategies to tackle inequalities in inactivity.

Research reveals Covid impacts are most acute in deprived and ethnically diverse communities

By Sport and Recreation Alliance | 03 June 2021

Grassroots clubs from deprived and ethnically diverse communities face the biggest challenges in returning to organised community activity post-lockdown, research conducted by the Sport and Recreation Alliance reveals.

Young people are less likely to return to organised activity post-lockdown, research reveals

By Sport and Recreation Alliance | 21 May 2021

Children and young people are less likely to return to organised community activity post-lockdown than adults, according to new research by the Sport and Recreation Alliance.

New strategy launched as poll findings reveal pandemic impact

By Activity Alliance | 12 May 2021

New findings published today by national charity Activity Alliance reveal the growing impact of the pandemic on disabled people

Sport England reveal the impact of coronavirus on activity levels

By GreaterSport | 29 April 2021

Data released today by Sport England, reveals a significant decrease in physical activity rates nationally and in Greater Manchester.

Girls participation adapts with covid

By GreaterSport | 08 March 2021

Last month Sport England released the latest activity data for children and young people, we now have more details of the Greater Manchester picture.