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Latest activity data released from Sport England

By GreaterSport | 21 October 2021

Data released today by Sport England reveals a significant decrease in the number of people moving both nationally and in Greater Manchester.

#ActiveSoles and #ActiveSouls – A new cultural norm is born

By GreaterSport | 03 September 2021

#ActiveSoles - The Active Soles movement has shown that the small things are sometimes the big things, and changing the way we think, changes the way we feel and behave.

System leadership programme

By GreaterSport | 02 September 2021

GM Moving has facilitated and hosted a system leadership programme. Initially this ran through the spring/summer of 2020 before being repeated and offered to a wider stakeholder group from October 2020 to January 2021.

Covid reflections in Greater Manchester

By Eve Holt | 02 August 2021

Eve Holt, Strategic Director, GM Moving reflects on Covid-19 learning and response in Greater Manchester.

More data from Sport England's Active Lives Release

By GreaterSport | 02 July 2021

Sport England released the latest active survey results on the 29th April that showed the impact of Covid-19 on physical activity.

Girl smiling whilst dancing

Physical inactivity linked to severe Covid-19 outcomes

By GreaterSport | 14 June 2021

New research shows the link between inactivity and severe Covid-19 outcomes, highlighting the importance of prioritising physical activity within the Covid-19 response and recovery.