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The GM Moving Big Co-Production Conversation Learnings and Feedback

By GM Moving and Collaborate Out Loud CIC | 07 February 2022

How can coproducing with communities get people moving more? We look back at the key learnings from the Big Co-Production Conversation and invite attendees to contribute their feedback and ideas to help shape future collaborative working.

Report calls for Government to back social prescribing fitness and leisure sector to help reduce pressure on NHS

By ukactive | 14 January 2022

Public health initiatives must help raise awareness of social prescribing in gyms, pools and leisure centres in order to reduce the pressure on the NHS, according to a new report published by ukactive

Power of Sport Toolkit launched

By GreaterSport | 10 January 2022

New toolkit launched to explore the vital role that sports and physical activity programmes can play in supporting better social cohesion and integration in local communities and local places.

Inequalities in physical activity levels grow during the pandemic

By GreaterSport | 21 December 2021

Active Lives for All critical to Greater Manchester’s recovery.

Study shows benefits of temporary walking and cycling measures

By Sustrans | 20 December 2021

Research by Sustrans has revealed the benefits of the temporary changes to Scotland’s walking and cycling infrastructure, introduced during the 2020 Covid lockdown.

Data announcement - Number of young people taking part in sport & activity

By GreaterSport | 09 December 2021

Sport England have today released their Active Lives Children and Young People data.