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23,100 more young people active in Greater Manchester

By GreaterSport | 05 December 2019

Research released today by Sport England shows that there are now 45.2% of children & young people active for at least 60 minutes a day in Greater Manchester, which equates to 176,700 young people.

School Games Young Local Organising Committee Recruited

By GreaterSport | 22 November 2019

The Greater Manchester Young Local Organising Committee who support with the Greater Manchester School Games have been successfully recruited

2019/20 Greater Manchester School Games programme marks the start of a new era

By GreaterSport | 19 November 2019

This year, the School Games sees changes made to its format to help ensure it is relevant to more children and young people and their lives today, allowing more of them to achieve their potential through sport and physical activity.

Bianca Walkden and Lora Fachie with students and teachers from Lewis Street Primary School in Salford

Families and Pupils Join Olympic and Paralympic Athletes to Celebrate Getting Active as part of Travel to Tokyo

By GreaterSport | 15 October 2019

With less than a year to go, families across England are getting active together in the run-up to the Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games.

Ground-breaking new partnership set to inspire a new generation of Greater Manchester cricket lovers

By Greater Manchester Combined Authority | 04 September 2019

Greater Manchester's young people are set to benefit from hundreds of new and improved cricket facilities across the region

Change4Life and Disney launch new 10 Minute Shake Up activities to get primary school pupils more active every day

By GreaterSport | 04 July 2019

Teachers can make a difference to pupils’ wellbeing by implementing fun physical activity across the school day