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England Does The Daily Mile: GreaterSport backs campaign in aid of children’s mental health to get one million moving!

By GreaterSport | 04 March 2021

The Daily Mile Foundation and Sport England are running a mass participation event across England’s primary schools, that hopes to see one million young people taking part

Lancashire Lions Go Digital To Support Visually Impaired Young People

By GreaterSport | 01 March 2021

Lancashire Lions Visually Impaired Sports Club have gone digital throughout the pandemic to support visually impaired young people to remain active throughout lockdowns

New funding to help schools open their sports facilities

By GreaterSport | 05 February 2021

Sport England are investing £10.1 million of government money to help more schools open their facilities to the public once the coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic is over.

Greater Manchester celebrates milestone step toward becoming the world’s first Daily Mile city-region

By GreaterSport | 22 January 2021

Today we are celebrating taking a step closer to becoming the world’s first Daily Mile city-region as we reach the milestone of 500 primary schools signed up to The Daily Mile across Greater Manchester

Greater Manchester School Games Board created

By GreaterSport | 22 January 2021

The Greater Manchester School Games brings together a new board to support the ongoing development of the School Games in Greater Manchester.

Increases in children’s physical activity levels stunted by coronavirus pandemic

By GreaterSport | 15 January 2021

The latest Active Lives Children and Young People data shows the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on children's activity levels with a 5.6% decrease in children that are active from 12 months ago