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By GM Moving | 31 October 2024 | TAGS: Manchester, visual impairment, multi-sports day

a boy holding a bow and arrow

It’s been 3 months since pupils with visual impairments (VI) took part in a multi-sports day organised by Manchester Sensory Support Service (MSSS) with the support of GM Moving, and the ripple effects of the day continue to grow.

To celebrate World Blindness-Awareness month this October, GM Moving checked in with Manchester Sensory Service, the young people, schools and families that attended to understand the impact this day had had.

As a result of the event, there have been a number of continued opportunities set up for VI young people to build on the skills they learnt on the day, including;

  • A weekly archery after school club that 6 pupils with profound visual impairment are attending. There are plans for some of the archery coaches to attend.
  • Lancashire Lions have set up regular ‘goalball’ games and sessions in 2 schools. With pupils from the school attending Lancashire Lions sessions outside of school.
  • One of the coaches of the blind football session, Azeem Amir, has formed links with 3 schools and has delivered sessions in them.  Azeem has also collaborated with Emily Owens, Manchester FA, to start VI football sessions, with pupils from the day attending these sessions.

Jess Simons, Active Children lead GM moving said: “The day was a great example of the wider benefits that sport and physical activity events and opportunities can bring to young people with visually impairments and their families. For some, the day was the first time they had met other young people with visually impairments, resulting in new friendships being formed and young people meeting up after the event.

“We would love this event to include other sensory support services and their pupils from across Greater Manchester. We know this event for VI pupils is so much more than just about being active. It’s about learning new skills. It’s connecting with other young people that are similar to them, and its building confidence that helps when they are at school.”

Staff from MSSS said “These types of opportunities are not just about being active but about being able to try out new things on a level playing field, and in sports specifically adapted to be inclusive for them, which is so important. They get to work with amazing role models and build confidence to go into a new environment outside of school. Events like this boost self-esteem, helping in all types of ways, including academically, socially and at home”

Other staff feedback:

“Events such as these have such value for the children and young people we work with. The coaches were all phenomenal. They took so much time to make sure all the children were having fun and really getting something out of the sessions!”

“The range of sports was great. Archery was amazing and definitely the favourite amongst my group! It was especially accessible and one of the children was even asking for a video of himself shooting the arrow so he could show his mum!”

“Thank you so much for such an amazing day! It was the best one yet! I haven’t seen some of our braillists have that much fun in ages!”

Feedback from the pupils was overwhelmingly positive. There have been some great stories coming out of the day, including lots of pupils and their parents going out to buy their own archery kits so they can continue having fun practicing the skill at home. One grandfather in attendance had a go at archery himself and enjoyed it so much that he though it would be a lovely thing for them to pursue together.

Lots of the pupils have made new friends, exchanged numbers and kept in touch with each other.

Dan Stroker- MSSS who leads on the organisation for the day said: “From a personal perspective, I’m so proud of how the day went. I feel it was certainly the best one we’ve had. Feedback from pupils, colleagues, school support staff and coaches has been amazing and there has been a notable impact in many areas.”

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