As part of this week's celebration week Bolton have shared their Five ways happy days walk project.
Bolton's Active Lives Engagement Team have been using an Asset Based Community Development approach in this community over the past 18 months to help build capacity within existing community groups to help support other local people to live healthier, more active lives. The Five Ways Happy Days Walk project has brought together these community assets to create something unique to this area, that uses the Five Ways to Wellbeing to literally connect the community together. The walk bypasses the entrance to four schools, Deane and Derby Cricket Club, Sunnyside Park and Morris Green. The two-mile route features five waymarks and each waymark gives people the chance to find out about one of the five ways to wellbeing - being Connected, Learning, being Active, taking Notice and Giving back to others (CLANG).
Working alongside voluntary groups such as Lever Edge Environmental Group and Deane & Derby Cricket Club and using their local insight has been key to ensuring the interactive foldout map is something the community will use. The foldout map also features a wildlife checklist, local historical points of interest, educational material about looking after the environment and QR codes that link to a local Bike Library, physical activity and volunteer opportunities nearby via the Let’s Keep Bolton Moving website.
Over 1,000 maps have already been handed out through local shops, businesses, pubs and schools. Pupils from some of these local primary schools have benefitted from sessions with the Active Lives Team, volunteers from local groups and the Wildlife Trust where they have followed the route using the maps and waymarkers whilst engaging with the Five Ways to Wellbeing.
Yousef, a pupil at St Michael’s, said: "It was a great thing to do because it allowed us to give something back to our local community by keeping it tidy. It felt really good to be outside in the fresh air doing something fun!"
Phillip Bracegirdle, a teacher at St Michael’s, said: "The Five Ways to Wellbeing event is a fantastic initiative for Bolton. Not only does it encourage the children to be outdoors and active, but it gives them a sense of pride in their local community through the connections made with others. There were a number of local residents who stopped by to thank the children for their work in clearing up the local area. The children were a credit to both St Michael's Primary School and the local community in Great Lever."
Over the coming months the momentum behind the project will continue through work with more local schools, community groups and the public in the hope that everyone who walks the trail learns something that will help them with their wellbeing.
The upcoming Spending Review this June is an opportunity for government to realise the benefits of physical activity to economic growth, population health, and a prevention-first NHS.
Widening the School Games Offer through Opening School Facilities
Two new videos have been released on International Women's Day by GM Moving to highlight the fantastic work which creates the conditions for joyful movement.