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By GreaterSport on behalf of GM Moving | 03 August 2022 | TAGS: people and leadership, Local Pilot

Leadership in Action- Supporting GM Moving 

One of the GM Moving in Action key ambitions is to realise the power and potential of a movement of people that is reflective of the population, to inspire, engage and support people to live more active lives. 

We can only achieve this by working collaboratively across sectors to build and foster relationships with and between people, communities and system partners to ensure that they have the skills, knowledge and confidence required to develop opportunities to move more and tackle inequalities 

This is an invitation to attend our free programme of support, training and workshops, which has been carefully put together to help anyone who feels like moving matters to you or your work.  

We’ve created some interesting and informal spaces and conversations, where you are free to explore this area of work. It’s a great refresher for people who have attended sessions or training like this before and is a brilliant introduction for anyone who is totally new to this kind of work! 

Who is this for? 

This is for anyone who feels like moving matters to you or your work. It’s a brilliant introduction for those interested in different approaches to leadership, especially where you're trying to create change and unite people across organisations, sectors and boundaries. 

What’s Coming up 

8 September: Launch- Introduction to Systems Leadership (session passed)

This is a popular session and a perfect introduction for anyone curious about systems leadership. We’ll talk about how you lead when you’re not in charge, why command control doesn’t work in complex situations, why people resist change, and what you can do instead 

14 September: Ted Talk Cinema Club (session passed)

Bring your popcorn! These short, fun sessions are designed to get us thinking and doing, inspired by a series of relevant Ted Talks. In this session we’ll be talking about how we celebrate leadership as the everyday act of improving each others lives 

15 September: Personal values in professional practice (session passed)

In “Introduction to Systems Leadership” we talk about how to practice and encourage behaviours that lead to change. One of the most powerful things that you can do is ground things in your values. These are the things that matter most to you, but how do you do this if you’re not consciously connected to your own values? This fun and inspiring session helps you reconnect with your passion and purpose and understand what may motivate you and those that may see the world in a different way.  

22 September: Systems Leadership Behaviours. Being (session passed)

Traditionally we may associate leadership behaviours with being in charge, being the expert and telling people what to do, but working and collaborating across organisations, structures and systems requires us to lead and connect in different ways.  The NHS North West Leadership Academy undertook a significant piece of research to gain a deeper understanding of the kinds of behaviours needed to enable effective systems leadership across sectors. The research identified four overarching themes, each underpinned by a series of supporting behaviours.   

This first session in a series of four explores “Being”: Authenticity, Mindset, Courage 

29 September: Systems Leadership and Governance (session passed)

This session builds on systems leadership principles to focus specifically on Governance and accountability, and how you work effectively when things are complex and when not all of the risks are visible 

5 October: Systems Leadership, Uncertainty and Change (session passed)

This session builds on systems leadership principles to focus specifically on how you work through transitions and how you manage and sustain change 

6 October: Systems Leadership Behaviours, Relating and Communicating (session passed)

This second session in a series of four explores “Relating and Communicating”: Relationships, Collaboration, Trust 

12 October: Ted Talk Cinema Club (session passed)

Bring your popcorn! These short, fun sessions are designed to get us thinking and doing, inspired by a series of relevant Ted Talks. In this session we’ll be talking about trial and error, and how we start to make better mistakes  

20 October: Systems Leadership Behaviours. Leading and visioning  (session passed)

This third session in a series of four explores “Leading and Visioning”: Holistic thinking, shared vision, system influence, lead and enable others 

3 November: Systems Leadership Behaviours. Delivering (session passed) 

This final session in a series of four explores “Delivering”: Accountability, Delivery, Doing things differently 

16 November: Ted Talk Cinema Club (session passed)

Bring your popcorn! These short, fun sessions are designed to get us thinking and doing, inspired by a series of relevant Ted Talks. In this session we’ll be talking about why women may be reluctant to take on leadership roles and what we - women and men - can do to disrupt the powerful internal forces that undermine women’s leadership .

28 November: Ted Talk Cinema Club (session passed)

Bring your popcorn! These short, fun sessions are designed to get us thinking and doing, inspired by a series of relevant Ted Talks. In this session we’ll be talking about the five kinds of tribes that humans naturally form and how we can understand our shared tribal tendencies to help lead each other to become better individuals.

30 November: Story telling with a purpose (Public Narrative) (session passed)

What’s the point of doing all of these brilliant things if you can’t tell the story of the work in a way that connects with others? This is a massively undervalued and misunderstood leadership skill and a powerful influencing tool.   

8 December: Close - Dancefloor and Balcony. Reflection and learning (session passed)

This final session before we take a break builds on one of the central ideas in systems leadership approaches. The idea here is to ‘get off the dancefloor and onto the balcony’: in other words, to stand back and reflect on where you’ve been and what you’ve experienced, and what you might want to do next.  

A key principle that holds all of this together is the fundamental belief that leadership is not just about individual skills. It is about collective action and what happens when you bring together a group of people who care. Leadership here is not about your job role, your position, your status or how much power or authority you have. Systems leadership is a network of people from different levels and places, working collaboratively around a shared vision to create change. 

Systems leadership is all about relationships, behaviours, values and trust. You’ll meet some great people, have some inspiring conversations and hopefully go on to approach things in a different way knowing that you are part of a supportive network.  

Participant feedback

Systems leadership participant feedback


Contact Information

If you have any questions about Systems Leadership or would like to know more, please contact Claire Tomkinson at [email protected] 

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