Year 5 pupils from Broadfield Community Primary School recently took part in Rochdale AFC Community Trust’s (RAFCCT) first ever 6-week Schools’ Mental Wellbeing Programme.
Year 5 pupils from Broadfield Community Primary School recently took part in Rochdale AFC Community Trust’s (RAFCCT) first ever 6-week Schools’ Mental Wellbeing Programme.
Year 5 pupils from Broadfield Community Primary School recently took part in Rochdale AFC Community Trust’s (RAFCCT) first ever 6-week Schools’ Mental Wellbeing Programme.
With 50% of those with lifetime mental health problems first experiencing symptoms by the age of 14, it’s more important than ever that we begin to educate children about mental health, in the same way that we educate about physical health.
Coming to the end of what has been a difficult year for everyone, now seemed like the perfect time to offer the 6-week Schools’ Mental Wellbeing Programme as a pilot in a local school. We sent the offer out to local schools we were delivering our Premier League Primary Stars programme in at the time, and within 7 minutes we had a reply from Mr Gleeson wanting to be involved. The commitment the school have to their children’s mental wellbeing is fantastic to see, with a Mental Health Lead Teacher, you can see that mental wellbeing is clearly embedded in every aspect of school life.
The upcoming Spending Review this June is an opportunity for government to realise the benefits of physical activity to economic growth, population health, and a prevention-first NHS.
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