We are seeking to appoint an organisation or collaborative to work alongside ourselves, to undertake a facilitation exercise across Greater Manchester.
The Greater Manchester Local Pilot, has been established since July 2018, and incorporates all 10 localities across the county. Its aim is to take a test and learn approach to overcome the barriers to inactivity, in a place, based on a set of 9 principles, which are:
Over the last 4 years, there has been a vast amount of learning developed, and we are now at a stage to look forwards and consider how we can embed these approaches going forwards. All localities have come together recently to initially discuss the value of working in this way over the last 4 years, and are in agreement that to move this process forwards we need to discuss what this looks like in each locality.
GreaterSport will work with our evaluation team to develop a set of questions, to structure each of these discussions to provide consistency across the 10 areas.
Aim: To facilitate and scribe10 conversations (one per locality), to identify how the Local Pilot approach can be embedded in each locality, and what support and resource they require.
Intended Outcomes:
Where is the investment from?
This piece of work is being funded by GreaterSport via National Lottery funding awarded by Sport England
Please provide a quote for this piece of work, including a detailed budget.
Activity Timeline Brief issued w/c 8th August
Closing Date for Submissions Monday 5th September 12pm.
Work to take place 15th September – 15th December 2022.
For more details, please contact:
Jane Gardiner - [email protected] or 07726902889
Richard Davis-Boreham - [email protected] 07792 111 543
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