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By Greater Manchester Moving | 01 September 2023 | TAGS: Greater Manchester Moving, Active Partnerships, Hayley Lever

As part of Greater Manchester’s evolving whole system approach to active lives for all, the Active Partnership for Greater Manchester is adopting the name GM Moving.

The charity, which works to change lives through movement, physical activity, and sport, is letting go of the GreaterSport brand in service of its mission to lead, support and connect a GM system that creates the condition to enable active lives for all.

This move will better align the charity alongside a large and growing number of partners delivering the GM Moving in Action strategy, the physical activity strategy for the Greater Manchester city region.

An overview of the GM Moving in Action strategy.

The switch to GM Moving demonstrates the organisation’s pride in being a Greater Manchester charity and the belief that everyone who lives and works in the city region has a part to play in the movement.

Hayley Lever will continue to lead the charity, alongside Chair Mike Perls, and the movement together with the GM Moving Executive Group, chaired by Tom Stannard.

Hayley said:

“This change will put the Active Partnership in the best possible place to support partners across Greater Manchester to improve lives through movement, physical activity and sport.

“We have proudly played this role for many years and will continue to support partners and organisations across Greater Manchester to create the conditions for active lives for all.

“We’ve made huge strides across Greater Manchester over recent years and believe this change will set us up perfectly for the upcoming memorandum of understanding (MOU) refresh with Sport England, for Greater Manchester to play it’s part in Uniting the Movement, and the new government strategy: Get Active.”

To learn more about this change, click here.

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