Getting employees more physically active could save UK businesses up to £6.6bn through improved employee productivity each year.
The news comes from research conducted by PJM Economics on behalf of AXA PPP healthcare for The Economics of Exercise: Measuring the business benefits of being physcally fit report.
In the report it says that the UK would receive a £6.6bn productivity boost if all employees met the Chief Medical Officers guidelines for physical activity of 75 minutes of vigorous activity or 150 minutes of moderate activity in a week.
GreaterSport are helping to increase productivity in workplaces with the recent launch of the Active Workplaces Toolkit which helps Greater Manchester businesses enable their employees to move more during their working day. Using tools such as the Live Well Day, employees can easily include 30 - 40 minutes of moderate activity into their day by altering their commuting habits, taking the stairs or going for a lunchtime walk.
"We are finding that increasing productivity through activity, health and wellbeing is becoming more important to businesses across Greater Manchester. Businesses are moving away from the traditional workplace activities of sporting and endurance events to activities which can easily include the entire workforce of a business" said GreaterSport's Active Workplace lead John Brady.
In the latest FIT-SE Index (an annual chart commissioned by AXA PPP healthcare) it confirms that one in three Brits say they're too tired after work to exercise and a further one in five saying their job prevents them from regularly exercising.
"This is why tools like The Live Well Day and simple steps to activity are so important to workplaces. Changing the perception of what activity and exercise looks like in workplaces is really important and going to the gym or going for a run doesn't have to be the answer. Changing employees understanding of what counts will enable them to have more energy during their day and in turn more productive" continued GreaterSport's Active Workplace lead John Brady.
For more information about Active Workplaces Click Here.
To read the full report Click Here.
The upcoming Spending Review this June is an opportunity for government to realise the benefits of physical activity to economic growth, population health, and a prevention-first NHS.
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