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By GM Moving | 31 May 2024 | TAGS: Active Workplaces, Strength Training

GM Moving and Salford University will be sharing more on their recent communication guidance to promote strength-based physical activity in a webinar this June. 

Strength training is a key part of the Chief Medical Officer’s guidelines with the new guidance designed to support leisure providers, workplaces, and the health sector. 

Join the webinar on Thursday 20 June to hear from GM Moving’s Strategic Lead for Active Adults Claire Marshall and Salford University’s Dr Ashley Gluchowski.  

The session will outline the guidelines for strength-training messaging, the research which informed their creation, and ideas to incorporate the guidelines in your work.  

GM Moving, working with Dr Ashley throughout the research, hope the guidance improves how organisations share their strength-based physical activity offer to the public.  

> Read the guidance here 

Research informs messaging guidelines 

Ahead of the webinar, GM Moving has released a research report to share more about the the methodology and findings which informed the recommendations.  

It reveals broad recognition of the importance and benefits of strength training within GM and a desire for more support and resources on how to perform strength exercise. 

In a survey of 100 GM residents as part of the research, just six could recall seeing a public campaign aimed at raising awareness of and/or encouraging strength training.  

The research is already influencing the sector with the first-ever Strength-Training Awareness Day held earlier this year (4 April, 2024) with the hashtags #StrongEnough and #STAD2024. 

> Read the research report here 

Why strength-training is important for Greater Manchester 

Everyone can slow the natural decline of muscle strength, which can begin after people hit 30-years-old, by taking part in muscle strengthening activity.  

Strength-related physical activity is one of the best ways someone can keep muscles strong, bones healthy, reduce pain, and prolong good joint life.  

In Greater Manchester, 40.5% (924,500 people) complete the 2+ sessions per week of muscle strengthening activity recommended by the Chief Medical Officer (CMO).  

To register for the webinar click here. To learn more about our work in this area, contact us on [email protected]  

Update (25/06/2024) - you can now view the webinar below: 

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