As part of Falls Prevention Awareness Week, Greater Manchester will be hosting a series of bitesize lunchtime learning sessions.
Preventing falls over the life course is a priority for us in Greater Manchester.
Falls can be a crucial indicator of poor health and wellbeing in mid to later life and prevention interventions can support individuals to age well.
Each and every one of us has a role to play in raising awareness of falls across community, clinical and care settings.
In January 2022, the GMCA launched the Greater Manchester Falls Collaborative to oversee and deliver the strategic and operational system-level priorities and recommendations for falls prevention, integration, and reconditioning.
The Collaborative welcomes anyone who is working in falls, has an interest in falls prevention, or has lived experience of falls.
As part of Falls Prevention Awareness Week (18 September-22 September 2023), Greater Manchester will be hosting a series of bitesize lunchtime learning sessions from Monday to Friday between 12pm-1pm.
The sessions will begin with a series of presentations before attendees are given the opportunity to ask questions. All sessions will be recorded and shared to the GMCA YouTube channel following the event.
For more information, and to book onto a session, click here.
For more information on the week, email [email protected].
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