Sport England have today released their Active Lives Children and Young People data.
Sport England have today released their Active Lives Children and Young People data. This survey provides the most comprehensive overview of the sport and physical activity habits of children, aged 5 - 16 in England.
Today’s announcement covers the academic year Sept 20 – July 21 which includes the New Year closure of schools (other than for the children of key workers).
It shows that 41.7% of children & young people are active for at least 60 minutes a day in Greater Manchester, which equates to 168,000. This means that 234,500 children are not meeting the recommended guidelines of 60 minutes a day.
These numbers show a 2.1% increase in active children from the survey 12 months ago but a 4.5% decrease from the academic year Sept 18 – July 19.
This equates to 8,700 fewer children and young people meeting the Chief Medical Officer’s guidelines than before the pandemic began, but 9,900 more than 12 months ago.
GreaterSport will provide more detail of the results at a Greater Manchester level when they've had chance to fully analyse the data.
The new programme supports people in Greater Manchester to become more active by walking, wheeling and cycling.
In Stockport, using the Creating Active Schools (CAS) framework has become a catalyst for transforming physical activity within local schools.
Rachel describes a recent team day centred on welfare and safeguarding, where the team explored creating a culture of safety, belonging, and respect in sports.