This week (w/c 15th November), GreaterSport will share stories on their twitter account (@GreaterSport) from every borough in Greater Manchester.
It’s the time of year when we start to reflect back on what has passed, recognising the brilliant ways that people have been supported to live active lives, take part in sport and physical activity. Of course, 2021 has been another challenging year, particularly early on, with lockdown and continued restrictions on organised activity.
Despite restrictions, people and communities across Greater Manchester found all sorts of ways to keep moving, get active and take part in the things they love. And as the restrictions started to lift, there was renewed energy, plentiful adaptation alongside some understandable reservations and challenges.
As always at this time of year, we have taken time to gather the personal stories, the stories of community activity, the dedication, resilience and collective effort across the region than has enabled so many people to continue to live an active life through the pandemic.
This week (w/c 15th November), instead of the usual awards event, GreaterSport will share stories on their twitter account (@GreaterSport) from every borough in Greater Manchester.
Hayley Lever (Exec Lead GM Moving and CEO GreaterSport) said “It is so important to shine a light on the brilliant work that has been taking place, during the most challenging of times. Every day we see and hear about the ways that volunteers and people working in the physical activity and sport sector are creating Covid secure, safe, welcoming and inclusive opportunities for people to (re-)engage in activity.
“The second year of the pandemic is showing us just how resilient people, communities and organisation are; how we pull together in times of need and how much joy, laughter, fun, reward and community togetherness comes from our collective work.
“All this gives me so much hope and optimism for the future. Not only will we see more people enjoying the benefits of an active life, but we will see physical activity and sport being accessible and inclusive to more people across Greater Manchester. Active Lives for All is our shared mission, and I am confident that we are on that road to recovery.
“There is so much to celebrate and so much more we can do together. Let’s take the time to thank and recognise everyone’s hard work”.
The celebration week will see us share stories of individuals using activity to support rehabilitation from Covid-19, groups and individuals adapting to support GM residents wherever they can; adapting their services to keep them moving, providing food parcels and bike donations and much, much more.
Please join in on twitter using #GMMovingInAction to see some success stories from 2021 and share your own stories of the people, groups or organisations who have adapted to keep people moving or keep people safe throughout the year.
RED January is a community charity initiative that warmly invites and welcomes people of all ages, backgrounds and physical abilities to set realistic movement goal for the month of January.
An Athletics Coach based in Wigan has been nominated for a prestigious UK Coaching award, in recognition of their work helping to develop some of the most talented athletes in the sport.
The FA have released their new women’s and girls’ game strategy.