#ActiveSoles - The Active Soles movement has shown that the small things are sometimes the big things, and changing the way we think, changes the way we feel and behave.
#ActiveSoles - The Active Soles movement has shown that the small things are sometimes the big things, and changing the way we think, changes the way we feel and behave. Like the ‘expectation’ and cultural norm that professional, successful women wear high heels to work. It is a myth that we have collectively spread, as believers, over generations.
Join us at the GM Moving Conference 2025, for a day of learning, leading and moving with inspiring speakers, workshops & networking to enable active lives for all.
The upcoming Spending Review this June is an opportunity for government to realise the benefits of physical activity to economic growth, population health, and a prevention-first NHS.
Widening the School Games Offer through Opening School Facilities