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Greater Manchester physical activity clinical champion training

By GreaterSport | 16 December 2021

GreaterSport are working with the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities, to promote and deliver their Physical Activity Clinical Champion (PACC) training

‘We Are Undefeatable’ charities produce videos to support people with health conditions to move more

By The Richmond Group of Charities | 29 November 2021

The Richmond Group of Charities’ physical activity coalition - Movement for All - has developed a new physical activity DVD aimed at people living with multiple long term health conditions.

Physical activity benefits outweigh risks for people with long-term health conditions

By Sport England | 05 November 2021

A new consensus statement from health experts has determined that physical activity is safe – even for people living with symptoms of multiple conditions.

Bolton Arena launch new football session targeting adults with mental health illness

By Bolton Arena | 19 October 2021

A new session for adults suffering with mental health illnesses

Greater Manchester to celebrate young people’s wellbeing on city-wide #BeeWell Day

By #BeeWell | 23 September 2021

The first ever #BeeWell Day is taking place today, with a series of creative, active and online events celebrating young people’s wellbeing.

Margaret and Debra enjoying their walks

Greater Manchester’s Link Workers celebrate the power of physical activity to help keep GM Moving

By GM Health and Social Care Partnership | 21 September 2021

As one of seven national ‘green social prescribing’ programme sites, Greater Manchester is testing and learning how we can best connect people with nature for their mental wellbeing.