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Local champions back campaign to keep Greater Manchester moving

By GreaterSport | 22 April 2020

We're encouraging residents across Greater Manchester to keep their energy up despite the Covid 19 lockdown

Covid-19 mental health campaign has launched

By GreaterSport | 20 April 2020

Public Health England releases NHS-endorsed top tips for looking after mental wellbeing during Covid-19

parkrun is far more than just a run

By GreaterSport | 12 March 2020

parkrun is more than just a run, it can bring community, companionship and purpose into our lives when we need it the most, just as it did for Nichola

New research released on the links between sedentary behaviour in young people and mental health

By GreaterSport | 20 February 2020

New research has highlighted the link between sedentary behaviour during adolescence and depression whilst highlighting the need for people of all ages to move more.

Looking after our hearts with physical activity

By GreaterSport | 14 February 2020

It’s important to look after our hearts; hear Lilian’s story about how she used physical activity to help her recovery after open heart surgery.

Physical activity is good for your heart, in more ways than one

By GreaterSport | 14 February 2020

When we think of the benefits of physical activity, many of us know that it is good for our heart health. But it’s not just physiologically that our hearts can benefit.