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How the Future of Volunteering Can Build From Change

By Guest | 03 May 2022

Sport England's strategic lead for volunteering, Jenny Betteridge, blogs on the importance of volunteering in the sport and physical activity sector, and how coronavirus has changed the landscape.

Schoolchildren running around their playground doing The Daily Mile

Greater Manchester’s Daily Mile Journey

By GreaterSport | 28 April 2022

As The Daily Mile Foundation celebrate their 10th anniversary, we take a look back at the journey of The Daily Mile in Greater Manchester.

New data reveals the number of people moving in Greater Manchester

By GreaterSport | 28 April 2022

Sport England this morning released the latest Active Lives data for adults, covering November 2020 to November 2021.

Dame Sarah Storey soon to start her role as the new Walking & Cycling Commissioner for Greater Manchester

By GreaterSport | 08 April 2022

Britain’s most successful ever Paralympian Dame Sarah Storey will be the new Walking & Cycling Commissioner for Greater Manchester.

Women’s Walking Football programme, in association with Age UK

By Bolton Arena | 16 February 2022

Bolton Arena is delighted to announce its brand-new Women’s Walking Football programme, in association with Age UK.

Greater Manchester supports The Daily Mile's toolkit development

By GM Walking | 31 January 2022

Greater Manchester’s work to help people walk 20 minutes a day inspires The Daily Mile Fit for Life Toolkit launch.