Job Role: As Head of Finance I am responsible for leading and creating a robust financial management culture within Greater Manchester Moving and work alongside the Strategic Director and the Audit and Risk Committee to set the long term strategic finance direction for the organisation. I am also responsible for maintaining GM Moving’s financial performance and sustainability and I manage the day-to-day operational finance function, lead and develop the finance team and manage key external finance relationships for the organisation.

Date Started: July 2024

Professional Background: Having graduated with a degree in Maths from the University of Manchester I went on to join Price Waterhouse Coopers (PWC) as a graduate trainee. As I moved from practice into industry I discovered a passion for working in the charity and not-for-profit sector where I could develop my finance career, alongside giving back to communities and contributing to transformational work. I have worked for a number of arts and leisure venues and health and educational organisations and I gained a Masters Degree in Museum and Art Gallery Studies from the University of Manchester along the way. I’m looking forward to building my knowledge of the Sport and Movement sector at GM Moving and developing my skills in a new area.

Fun Fact: I measured Christopher Eccleston for a belt while working at The Gap.

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