Time on board - July 2018 to present
Why I joined the board - The chance to contribute to a different part of the Greater Manchester family and improve health and wellbeing in the most direct way possible.
Current Job - Chief Officer, Strategy & Innovation, NHS Greater Manchester Integrated Care
Professional Background - I have been in public service for more than 25 years working in both local government and the NHS. For more than 15 years, I have been supporting joint work in Health and Care across GM and have been directly involved in both securing the devolution of Health and Care and the development subsequently of the GM Health & Social Care Partnership and the implementation of its objectives to improve health and the provision of care and support.
Skills I bring - Large scale, complex change. Policy and strategy development.
Areas of Expertise - GM public service knowledge, strategy and practice, Health and Social Care policy, strategy and practice.
Personal Interests - Married father of two children, FC United of Manchester co-owner, guitar player, post-punk obsessive.