The Board of Directors/Trustees meet throughout the year to oversee the business, strategy and long term planning of the Company. Its core purpose being to:-
- To make high quality decisions to allow Greater Manchester Moving to grow its value.
- Be the ultimate decision-making body and accordingly exercise all of the powers of the organisation.
- Be responsible for setting the strategic direction of the organisation and maintain the vision, purpose and values.
- Provide leadership in developing, approving and monitoring the implementation of the ‘Changing Our Lives Together’ strategy.
- Ensure that the company operates to the highest standards of governance and risk management.
- Complies with its governing document, charity law, company law and any other relevant legislation or regulations.
- Agree strategic priorities for funding and investment and ensure that financial information is accurate and that controls, monitoring and reporting systems are robust and defensible.
- To provide scrutiny and constructive challenge with regard to operational matters (delivery plans, policies, performance).
- Fully support child protection and safeguarding issues.
The statutory duties of a Director/Trustee are;
- To ensure that the charity complies with its governing document (Articles of Association), Charity law, Company law and any other relevant legislation or regulations.
- To ensure that the charity pursues its charitable objectives as defined in its governing document.
- To ensure the charity uses its resources exclusively in pursuance of its objectives.
- To contribute actively in giving firm strategic direction to the charity, setting overall policy, defining goals and setting targets and evaluating performance against agreed targets.
- To safeguard the good name and values of Greater Manchester Moving.
- To ensure the effective and efficient administration of Greater Manchester Moving.
- To ensure the financial stability of Greater Manchester Moving.
- To protect and manage the property of the Charity and to ensure the proper investment of the Charity's funds.
- To appoint the Chief Executive Officer (on recommendation of the Nomination/Remuneration Sub-Committee) and monitor their performance.