Salford Adult Activity Levels Nov 2020-21

The latest Active Lives results published by Sport England show that 67.0% of adults in Salford are active for at least 30 minutes a week, equating to 140,400 adults moving; a decrease of 4,600 from the survey 12 months ago.

Overhead view of a group dance exercise class in a community centre

Salford Overview

67.0% of adults in Salford are now moving (active and fairly active), this equates to 140,400 adults. Since Active Lives launched, November 2015-16, inactivity in Salford has increased by 1.9%, meanwhile in Greater Manchester the rate has increased by 1.2%, in the last 12 months it has risen by 3.3% in Salford.

Salford inactivity over time

Demographic data

The inactivity gender gap in Salford is 4.0%

Since November 15/16 the gender gap has increased by 1.3%. This change is due to an increase in inactivity amongst women (+2.4%) and a smaller increase in inactivity amongst men (+1.1%).

Learn more about activity levels related to gender here

The inactivity socio-economic gap in Salford is 28.0%

Since November 15/16 the socio-economic gap has increased by 4.2%. This change is due to a larger increase in inactivity amongst lower social groups (+5.2%), NS-SEC 6-8, than the increase seen amongst higher social groups (+1.0%) NS-SEC 1-2.

Learn more about activity levels related to socio-economic status here

The inactivity disability gap in Salford is 15.7%

Since November 15/16 the disability gap has decreased by 7.9%.  This is due to an increase in inactivity amongst those without a long term limiting disability (+1.8%) and in decrease in inactivity amongst those with a long term limiting disability (-6.2%).

Learn more about activity levels related to disability and long term health conditions here

The inactivity age gap in Salford is 25.5%

Since November 15/16 the age gap has decreased by 13.3%. This is a result of inactivity amongst over 75's declining (-4.2%) whilst rates have increased amongst 16 to 34 year olds (+9.1%).

Learn more about activity levels related to age here


Due to limited sample sizes we have limited ethnicity data across the Greater Manchester boroughs. In Salford 31.1% of those from a White British background are inactive.

Learn more about activity levels related to ethnicity here


If you have questions about this data please email: [email protected]

Published April 2022

Older Active Lives articles can be found here.