Reframing Sport for Teenage Girls

Women in Sport research released this year has found that too many girls are dropping out of sport and physical activity during teenage years and developing deep-rooted negative attitudes towards it, which act as barriers throughout life.

14% of girls age 5-16 achieve recommended levels of physical activity dropping to 10% of girls age 13-16.

By the age of 14-16 78% of girls understand the importance of an active lifestyle whereas only 28% really enjoy taking part in physical activity.

60% of girls aged 11-16 know a girl or young woman who has experienced a mental health problem.

1/3 girls aged 14-16 are unhappy with their body image

Only 18% of girls aged 11-16 say they are very happy compared to 38% in 2011

62% of girls report having the lowest wellbeing compared to 38% of boys aged 14.

7/10 girls who don’t feel good about the way they look will stop themselves from eating or otherwise put their health at risk.

44% of girls aged 13-15 are overweight/obese compared to 36% of boys.

How can sport better meet girls’ needs?

8 Principles of success to REFRAME sport in the mind of these girls, REDEFINE their experience to be broader and better than what they’ve ever experienced at school and REINFORCE the enjoyment of physical activity and sport, and how it adds real value to their lives.
1. No judgement – take pressure off performance and give freedom to simply play (silly and spontaneous is ok)
2. Invoke excitement – Bring a sense of adventure and discovery (more unusual activities give them something to share)
3. Clear emotional reward – Reframe achievement as moments of pride not winning (celebrate behaviours girls can be proud of)
4. Open eyes to what’s there – Redefine sport as more than school sport (language is powerful)
5. Build into existing habits – Tap into existing behaviours in other spheres (learn from the digital world)
6. Give girls a voice and a choice – allow girls choice and control to feel empowered (change authority dynamic)
7. Champion what’s in it for them – make it much more than just about health (use power of incentives and rewards)
8. Expand image of what sporty looks like – create truly relatable role models which inspire (people they can relate to).

For the Full Summary document or the full research report please see the Downloads section.