This year's figure is an increase of 6,300 from the survey 12 months ago. Although more people are moving we are still below the national average of 74.9%.

The number of inactive adults has decreased to 26.8%, this equates to 596,800 who do not exercise for at least 30 minutes a week. This is above the national level of inactivity which is 25.1%.

Key GM Findings:

  • 1.63 million adults (16+) in Greater Manchester (GM) are moving for at least 30 mins a week. A 6,300 increase in the last 12 months.
  • Over a quarter (26.8%) of adults in Greater Manchester are inactive (not achieving at least 30 minutes a week).
  • Activity levels vary significantly across the County, 77.1% in Trafford to 68.4% in Oldham.

Across the ten areas of Greater Manchester there are varying activity levels with Trafford, Manchester and Stockport being above the national % for adults doing at least 30 minutes of activity per week.

When you add this to Children and Young People Active Lives (5-15 year olds) and Health Survey for England (2-4 year olds) we have made progress towards our key targets:

  • 1,896,770 people moving towards our target of 2 million people moving by 2021 (previously 1,890,470, increase of 6,300 adults).
  • 69.6% of people active towards our target of 75% of the population moving by 2025 (previously 69.4%).

There are significant inequalities across people and place. The gender and age gaps have narrowed in GM and more so than nationally. Whilst the socio-economic gap has remained the same both in GM and nationally, but has reduced in some boroughs. The age gap has not narrowed in GM, as it has nationally, but inactivity has decreased across all age groups.

Inequalities also exist with regards to ethnicity, with those from Black, Asian and minority ethnic backgrounds (BAME) being more likely to be inactive. Find out more about the differences across ethnicity here.

More detailed information can be downloaded to the right for each borough and Greater Manchester.

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   at Umbraco.Cms.Core.Cache.SafeLazy.<>c__DisplayClass1_0.<GetSafeLazy>b__0()
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   at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.ViewFeatures.HtmlHelper.PartialAsync(String partialViewName, Object model, ViewDataDictionary viewData)
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