The Active Practice Charter is a initiative from The Royal College of GPs (RCGP) and Sport England to inspire and celebrate GP practices that commit to increasing activity and reducing sedentary behaviour in staff and patients. 

One in four people saying they would be more active if it was recommended by a GP or nurse and Greater Manchester Moving want to support more GP practices throughout the city region to join our movement and become an Active Practice.

Simple changes can make a big difference in improving the physical and mental wellbeing of patients and staff, at relatively low cost.

Further details please contact

Sign-up to become an Active Practice

Head to the RCGP website now


What does becoming an Active Practice involve?

To gain Active Practice status, surgeries will need to show they've taken a number of steps, including:

  • Increasing physical activity in patients and staff
  • Reducing sedentary behaviour in patients and staff
  • Partnering with a local physical activity provider to support the practice to get more people active.

What does an Active Practice look like?

You may wish to consider...Active Hospitals

Active Hospitals, provided by Moving Medicine, aims to change the physical activity culture within hospitals to encourage patients to move more.

Their toolkit can help you to create your own Active Hospital.

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Active Practice in Ancoats gets patients and staff moving for better wellbeing

By Imogen Halls, Project Lead - Health, GM Moving | 29 January 2024

GM Moving joined Urban Village Medical Practice in Ancoats for their monthly Walk Talk Walk session to understand the impact the walks have on staff and patients.