Having been selected to take part in the Active Lives Children and Young People Survey this will guide you the process and provide all the key information for taking part.
Congratulations on being selected to complete the Active Lives Children and Young People survey.
The Active Lives Children and Young People Survey is a national survey commissioned by Sport England and provides a world-leading approach to gathering data on how children and young people engage with sport and physical activity.
Understanding young people’s attitudes and behaviours towards physical activity is important to enable the shaping of opportunities for them to be active.
Find out more about the survey, including how your school benefits and how schools have used the survey to improve their PE and school sport offers.
Each school will have three year groups selected to take part and one class from each year will be selected to complete the survey.
Additional Notes:
ESPO will contact you directly to claim your equipment voucher, provided you have enough responses.
At the end of the following term Sport England will provide your school with a bespoke report summarising your pupils attitudinal/behavioural results.
This will include your bronze, silver or gold DfE Healthy Schools Rating, providing you met the criteria.
N.B. School level data is private and will only be shared with you, its contribution to the full dataset will be anonymised
*To be eligible for any rewards you must have a minimum of 30 responses
A privacy notice setting out who Ipsos MORI are, what the personal data being collected is, how it will be used, who it will be shared with and your legal rights in relation to this survey is available to view and download here.
Additional privacy notices for pupils and teachers are also available. These can be found on the Sport England website.
You have the right to withdraw your consent to take part in the survey at any time. Your pupils, parents and teachers have the right to choose not to take part in the research. The research activity will be conducted in accordance with the Market Research Society Code of Conduct, and the information you provide will be treated in accordance with data protection law.