What is the survey?

The Active Lives Children and Young People Survey is a national survey commissioned by Sport England and provides a world leading approach to gathering data on how children and young people engage with sport and physical activity.

Understanding young people’s attitudes and behaviours towards physical activity is important to enable the shaping of opportunities for them to be active. 

How can it help your school and students?

School level

By taking part in the survey you will receive a bespoke report* which will not only detail how active your students are, but also how they are active, who is active, their attitudes to sport and physical activity, and an insight into their wellbeing.

There is also guidance on how you can look at improving activity and wellbeing rates and at GreaterSport we are happy to support you in understanding the report, what it means for you and how you can use it.

Other schools have used this information to embed physical activity into their everyday routines and to provide targeted interventions and ultimately help their students to develop positive, healthy, long term relationships with physical activity.

Hear how Irlam Endowed Primary used the findings from the survey to revolutionise their PE provision here.

The report will also include your Department for Education Healthy Schools Rating which recognises and encourages the contribution of schools to promoting health and wellbeing to children and young people.

The scheme celebrates the positive actions of schools to promote physical activity and healthy eating whilst identifying the next steps for schools to further improve their provisions. 

N.B. School level data is private and will only be shared with you, its contribution to the full dataset will be anonymised

Local level (Borough and county level)

Locally the data from the survey is used in conjunction with local insight to direct funding and provision to support in increasing activity levels for children and young people across Greater Manchester and each of the ten boroughs.

National level

The data from the survey will be used to inform decision making across a wide variety of areas including the Childhood Obesity Plan, the Department for Transport’s (DfT) Bikeability programme to encourage cycling, and the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs’ (DEFRA) 25 year plan for the environment.

*To be eligible for any rewards you must have a minimum of 30 responses

What do you need to do?

  1. Each school will have three year groups selected to take part and one class from each year will be selected to complete the survey.

    Action: Send the class teacher initials for all mixed ability classes in the sampled years to [email protected]. If you are unsure what classes have been selected please check our list here or email and we can let you know. N.B. if boys and girls are taught separately please specify which classes are boys and girls as both a boys and a girls class will need to complete the survey.

  2. Contact parents to let them know that their child has been selected to take part, the survey operates on an opt-out system. Example emails to send to parents can be found here.

  3. Complete the student surveys. Primary students should complete the survey in school whilst secondary students can do the survey at home or in school. Please share the information sheets with students which will explain the survey and what it is for. Students must complete the survey in one sitting. Surveys will take around 15 minutes to complete and are all completed online with results going direct to IPSOS Mori who manage the survey.

    If Year 1 or 2 has been selected contact parents to ask them to complete the parent survey. Template letters and posters to share with parents can be found here.

  4. Complete the teacher survey - you're finished!

ESPO will contact you directly to claim your equipment voucher, provided you have enough responses. At the end of the following term Sport England will provide your school with a bespoke report summarising your pupils attitudinal/behavioural results. This will include your bronze, silver or gold DfE  Healthy Schools Rating, providing you met the criteria.

Privacy Notices

A privacy notice setting out who Ipsos MORI are, what the personal data being collected is, how it will be used, who it will be shared with and your legal rights in relation to this survey is available to view and download here.

Additional privacy notices for pupils and teachers are also available. These can be found on the Sport England website

You have the right to withdraw your consent to take part in the survey at any time. Your pupils, parents and teachers have the right to choose not to take part in the research. The research activity will be conducted in accordance with the Market Research Society Code of Conduct, and the information you provide will be treated in accordance with data protection law.