Sport and physical activity, in all its forms, is an important piece of the jigsaw in a whole system approach to active lives and addressing inequalities.

Sport and physical activity offers people, communities and society immense value whether that's as an individual or group; inside or out; an elite athlete or a community participant; solo or mass participation events; spectator or volunteer. It offers health, physical and mental wellbeing benefits, confidence, joy, fun, achievement, connection, and a sense of belonging. It builds community cohesion and identity, and provides opportunities to get involved within the legacy of mass participation events. It is a powerful economic driver, providing employment and skills to individuals and economic value to communities, towns and cities.

We will keep growing the Greater Manchester (GM) Moving movement through sport and physical activity. We’ll do this by providing spaces for people and leaders to make connections and strengthen existing ones, to build relationships and create change together, as part of a whole system approach. We will share learning and ensure that it informs practice across the system to support the contribution of sport and the physical activity sector to GM Moving.

Read this summary report from a sector event held in March 2021 which helped to shape the 2021-2031 GM Moving Strategy.

GM Moving works collectively with many organisations who contribute to GM Moving through sport and physical activity. This includes National Governing Bodies, Community Leisure providers, professional football club foundations, community clubs, charities, and private providers.

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National Governing Bodies (NGBs)

Sport England invest in National Governing Bodies (NGBs) to provide a range of services to encourage more people to play sport and be physically active. Find out more about NGBs and their role here. Read stories of the work of National Governing Bodies below.

Community leisure providers

Organisations that work together as part of the whole system to improve the health and wellbeing of communities. The pandemic placed immense pressure on community leisure and sport organisations, and at the same time, drove innovation, collaboration and adaptation. Nationally and locally, providers are working to recover and renew, and here in Greater Manchester, to reinvent and respond focussing on community wellbeing and building back fairer.

Learn more about Greater Manchester Active, the collective of 12 leisure and community organisations from across Greater Manchester, here.

Professional sport club foundations

These foundations work across GM and utilise the identity of their respective club to reach into local communities. They deliver a wide range of initiatives, focusing on improving health and wellbeing, raising aspirations and building stronger, more cohesive communities.

Community clubs and organisations, charities, and private providers

These organisations all provide great experiences for their participants and the their associated workforce. They enable local community engagement, and provide a range of opportunities for people to participate in activity within a safe and sustainable environment. Read stories of the work of Greater Manchester's community groups and organisations below.