GM Moving prioritises the opportunity and need from Sport England and the Greater Manchester system to test and learn, sharing impact and learning to enable organisation’s to realise the potential digital can play to help increase activity levels. Some examples of the work and approaches are outlined below.
GM Moving prioritises the opportunity and need from Sport England and the Greater Manchester system to test and learn, sharing impact and learning to enable organisation’s to realise the potential digital can play to help increase activity levels. Some examples of the work and approaches are outlined below.
We have developed an online resource to support everyone across the city region as they work to enable people to move more. It provides free access to marketing resources and an image library, with plans to continue to grow the available resources to continually support people as they work to get Greater Manchester moving. Request free access the GM Moving Resource Hub here.
During the Covid-19 pandemic, a number of webinars and online sessions have been held in order to be able to continue work to get Greater Manchester Moving. These include sessions with Sport England to support their strategy development and for the GM Moving strategy development. Examples of which can be found below.
During the coronavirus pandemic, we held a series of conversations digitally to be able to continue bringing stakeholders together to have important conversations. Listen to the podcasts on our website, or wherever you normally listen to podcasts.
Each year, GM Moving hosts the Greater Manchester Sports Awards, a large awards ceremony celebrating individual and organisational achievements within sport and physical activity. 2020 would have played host to the 20th year of the event, but due to Covid-19 was cancelled.
Instead they celebrated people's achievements to keep themselves and their communities moving online! During the week in which Sports Awards should have taken place, in November 2020, these successes were shared and celebrated through social media. You can read and watch the stories here.
Following the cancellation of the May 2020 walking festival due to the coronavirus pandemic, the GM Walking team hosted a virtual festival in October 2020 and May 2021. They developed a virtual festival with lots of tips, inspiration and resources to encourage regular walking from home with family and friends. The Get Out This May 2021 calendars were downloaded more than 1000 times and viewed by 7670 unique users, helping people to ‘Get Out This May’ for walking and fresh air at the end of lockdown.
In order to support GM Moving’s Walking City Region Ambition, accessible and family friendly short walking routes are being identified and mapped on the Go Jauntly App. Find out more here.
Open data is driving a new wave of innovative apps, websites and products. By publishing data openly, activity providers and national bodies can help stimulate new ideas and ways for getting people active. Find out more here.
Sport England are trying to help the sport and physical sector to innovate using open data and digital platforms. Find out more about their work here.
The launch of Manchester Active’s ‘Providers Portal’ is a unique shared data platform managing sport and physical activity information, content and inspiration across Find out more here.
Greater Manchester's Digital Blueprint is focused on delivering benefits that help the city-region’s people lead healthier, happier lives. Find out more here.
Moving Forces helps military veterans, families and serving personnel to stay physically active by providing fun, relaxed and sociable activities all over Greater Manchester. When the Covid-19 pandemic hit, Moving Forces had to adapt their provision to help keep their community moving through digital channels. Listen to their story in this episode of The GM Moving Podcast.
Manchester-based Lancashire Lions Visually Impaired Sports Club have gone digital throughout the pandemic to support visually impaired young people to remain active throughout lockdowns. Read about how technology supported their members to stay motivated and moving here.
Astley Sports Village, based at Rayner Stephens’ Academy adapted their physical activity provision to work remotely during the coronavirus pandemic. Read their story here.
Let us know how you are using digital solutions to help support moving more in Greater Manchester
Get in touch at | #GMMovingInAction | @GMMoving