GM Moving and the Local Pilot identified that there was need for a system change development journey for current and future leaders across sectors, to achieve the outcomes of GM Moving. To do this we would need to appoint an organisation/collaborative to co-design, manage and deliver this with us.
After a shortlisting and interview process 10GM, in partnership with Do-Well and AQUA, were appointed as a collaborative to support the work.
The intended outcomes are:
Initial conversations, between locality leads and the 10GM collaborative, highlighted locality leads felt an initial area for development lay in the ability to identify and engage wider partners. Involving wider partners is key to the local pilot work and allows a whole system approach, vital to achieving the ambition of GM Moving.
The first phase of this approach has been adapted to online facilitation and is focussing on the third intended outcome of the system change development journey; supporting locality leads and direct delivery partners in increasing their confidence, skills and knowledge of systems leadership and their role in leading systems change.
To support with the system change development journey, leads and the wider system have been invited to participate in:
Alongside these sessions a coaching and mentoring programme has emerged with the creation of safe spaces to support each other in thinking through new ideas and new ways of working.