GM Moving in Action is our Greater Manchester strategy for physical activity. It is shaped and powered by GM Moving, our ‘movement for movement’.

Everyone has a role to play in GM Moving; people, communities and organisations, from every sector and place across the city region, pulling in the same direction and with a shared goal to help people move more. We’re united by a shared passion and commitment for what we do, why we do it and how we do it.

The document, ‘GM Moving in Action’, is our strategy for doing this, setting out what we’ll do to get people moving more by designing moving into everyday life. Helping people move a little more, making it easier to be active and a natural part of how we all live, travel, work and play in Greater Manchester.

It is also a call to action, to the people of Greater Manchester, to join in on this quest. To support good lives for all in Greater Manchester.

For a happier, healthier, more connected Greater Manchester.

Over 2,000 people were involved in the development of this strategy. Find out more about the engagement process and what was learnt along the journey.