Greater Manchester Moving is GM’s movement for movement working together to positively change the lives of people across Greater Manchester (GM) through physical activity and sport.
Greater Manchester Moving is GM’s movement for movement working together to positively change the lives of people across Greater Manchester (GM) through movement, physical activity, and sport.
Our shared mission is to enable active lives for all.
Our shared commitments, priorities and approach are set out in ‘GM Moving in Action’ our strategy for the next decade, 2021-31 (see video right).
The Active Partnership for Greater Manchester, GM Moving, has a Business Plan to support the delivery of GM Moving in Action.
Both documents align closely with the national strategy, Uniting The Movement, from Sport England - visit their Movement Hub for the best of their tools and resources to help everyone in the sport and physical activity unite the movement - and our local GM ICP strategy.
Watch how we're supporting everyone to live well in GM by designing movement into all health pathways.
We are all designed to move. But our modern world is designed and organised to keep us sitting still.
Evidence shows us that movement, physical activity, and sport contributes to our physical wellbeing, mental wellbeing, social and community development, economic development and individual development. Moving more is key to enabling good lives for all.
By moving more, we can live happier and healthier lives, enable our communities, places and economy to thrive, and will contribute to a more sustainable city region.
£4 for every £1 spent is the Social Return on Investment in physical activity and sport
£9.59bn amount generated in England by improved physical and mental health
£14.22bn amount that contributes nationally to enhanced social capital.
We are not currently moving enough. Inactivity is killing us, it’s making us sick and unhappy, unproductive and stressed, and is contributing to environmental destruction and climate change.
The latest data on Greater Manchester's physical activity levels is available on our Data and Learning pages.
Learn more about how we work including our understanding what makes change happen in complex systems (video, right above).
There's also further information on the whole-system approach, pointers for leadership practice, and the enablers of change (video, right below).
All our ways of working are informed by evidence and have been reinforced by the work that's been completed over multiple years.
You can learn more about our journey to date, and review the most recent Story of the Work from GM Moving.
The upcoming Spending Review this June is an opportunity for government to realise the benefits of physical activity to economic growth, population health, and a prevention-first NHS.
We were delighted to share more about the amazing work being delivered by communities and partners in GM so government can support us go even further.
Four new episodes discuss health and place giving listeners the chance to learn more about the impact of devolution in GM and the big ambitions for the future.